In this Article:
Cash payments are the most popular form of incentive with influencers.
Cash payments can be created and fulfilled entirely within the platform using Later Influence™ (formerly Mavrck)'s PayPal or Stripe integrations. You can also track offline cash incentives, which rely on external processes to send money to influencers, as detailed below.
For a complete overview of incentive options, see Incentives Overview.
Offline Cash Incentive Setup
Create offline cash incentives
There are two ways to create offline cash incentives. Click each option for step-by-step instructions.
Campaign-level: Create the same incentive for all influencers participating in the campaign.
Influencer-specific: Create individual incentives for specific influencers.
Rates: Create individual incentives automatically, in the amount quoted by each applicant.The Rate & Concept features require influencers to submit their rate and/or concept for the campaign when they apply. An incentive is created for each applicant in the amount they quoted.
Setup form
When you create a PayPal/Stripe incentive, the setup form includes the following fields. Click on a field for more information.
Incentive type: Cash How will you pay?: Offline Value: Enter the value of the payment When will this incentive be fulfilled?: Enter the workflow stage when the payment will be ready to fulfill |
Offline Cash Incentive Fulfillment
Offline cash payments must be delivered to influencers outside Later Influence, while the platform supports cost reporting, status tracking, and other efficiencies.
The delivery method for offline cash incentives is dependent on the process your brand uses to send cash payments.
If you will send checks in the mail, follow the process to confirm shipping addresses that is typically used for product incentives.
If you will send digital cash payments through another service, you can export influencer emails from the relevant workflow stage of your campaign.