In this Article:
The dashboard section can be thought of as the “homepage” for your instance. It includes useful information relative to your campaign goals and the influencers you are activating to achieve these goals.
Here is a breakdown of the dashboard:
Key Metrics: This section reports on important metrics relating to your entire instance (not individual campaigns) such as new influencers, number of new posts, and impressions. You can adjust the time frame by clicking the dropdown menu in the top right corner.
Goals: This section shows you the progress you’re making towards the goals you’ve set for you campaigns on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can learn how to add, edit, and delete goals here.
Tasks: This section informs you when there are action items that need to be completed such as viewing new applicants or fulfilling incentives.
Top Performing Influencers: This section shows you who the top influencers are in your instance, based on number of engagements. You can adjust the time frame by clicking the dropdown menu in the top right corner.
Performance Trends: This section shows a visualization of how the number of influencers, activations, and posts have increased or decreased over time. You can customize the time frame by changing the “From” and “To” date in the top right hand corner. You can also click the list icon to access several download options or to view the chart in full-screen.
Utilizing the dashboard allows you to easily view key metrics and top influencers in your brand's instance.