In this Article:
Influencers apply to participate in your campaign by going through a campaign application. The application is where influencers connect their social accounts, enter their contact and demographic information, and answer any customized questions you may add.
The campaign application, as it appears to influencers, is detailed here: Campaign Application Flow
Customizing a campaign application
- Open the Setup tab within the campaign.
- Open the Application sub-tab.
- Complete the required fields for the application landing page:
- Upload a campaign image
- Customize the title and description
Customize any optional fields:
Share with Creators on Later Social™: Choose whether you’d like your campaign to display in Later Social’s campaign board and be visible to Later Creators
- By default, this setting is toggled off. If you choose to enable it, you can turn it off at any point to stop creators from applying.
Required Network: Select the social accounts that influencers must connect to complete the application.
- By default, the required networks will be associated with the Influencer Deliverables you've set.
Additional Contact Info: Limit the amount of detail required on the contact information form.
- By default, the contact info section will ask influencers to enter their shipping address and phone number.
- Pro tip: If you are not shipping products to your influencers, remove these fields to increase your application completion rate.
Language: Select the language used for the application experience. Custom survey questions must be added in the desired language.
- By default, the application will be in US English. The platform currently supports US English, UK English, French, Quebec French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, and Portuguese.
- If you would like to collect post concepts, toggle on Request Concept to allow influencers to pitch their ideas.
- If you would like to collect rates quoted by influencers, toggle on Request Rate to allow influencers to pitch their desired rates.
Campaign-specific Terms of Service
- Campaign-specific terms of service can be set in addition to the program-wide documents.
Application Survey Questions
- Custom questions that you can use to filter influencer searches and lists.
Share with Creators on Later Social™: Choose whether you’d like your campaign to display in Later Social’s campaign board and be visible to Later Creators
Once your campaign is live, open the Application URL from this section to view your custom settings.
Share this URL to invite influencers outside of the platform.
Closing a campaign application
Once you are done recruiting for a campaign, you may shut off the ability for creators to submit their applications.
- Open the Setup tab within the campaign.
- Open the Application sub-tab.
- Change application status from Open to Closed.
- Applications can be re-opened by toggling from Closed to Open